We woke up at 7:45 on Sunday morning (which I never do), trained for 30 minutes from 8:00 to 8:30, then went on to the venue and the Prisskillas walked away with a win against Paducah, Kentucky's Radioactive Roller Girls, The Atomics, http://www.myspace.com/pcrg.
They are a fresh league. Our coaches organized it to give us some more experience and also to give a sister league some practice. Their league only has 18 skaters and don't have enough girls to scrimmage each other most of the time. We did it for us both to gain some practice time, and for fun! It was ALOT of fun. All the girls were really nice.
Other fun stuff that happened, but I couldn't attend :( was a video shoot for an MRD commercial with our girls and Al Kapone! :) lol. The pictures are great. Jim Duong still photographed the shoot. It was paid for by the City of Memphis, in collaboration with Live from Memphis and will air on MTV's web next to the 5$ cover.
Thanks to our great marketing Brad Brains & Shawty PR director for throwing it together in a wink of an eye. :) Props! I'm only sad lil T's mug and my own aren't in it somewhere! I seem to miss out on pics and stuff. It always happens, but I'm used to it! In CARD game, I was off getting water at the benches while the 2 teams were taking pics together, then yesterday in Paducah, I was off at the bench talking to Lil T when the 2 teams pics were taken! lol! It goes all the way back to high school. I was on yearbook staff, and I created the art, and wrote a good majority of the section me and my team were working on, but when it came time for picture day - my car broke down and I lived in Reseda, but my high school was in Canyon Country (45 minutes away) :(
There was some redemption, when I saw the yearbook, and in the yearbook staff section, even though I wasn't in the group picture, a self-portrait I did for photo class was hanging on the wall in the background of another picture! ahahahaha.
It's like I'm there....in the background :) It is what it is.
When I get pics from Paducah, I'll share. These are from the video shoot, that Jim Duong took:
I love seeing Al Kapeezy sportin' MRD gear! :) holding the MRD playbook! So awesome!

Two of my favorite people: Chica Bandita & Bloody Elle

More favorite people, MRDeviants mixed with some notable skaters, the shoot was such a last minute thing, It's good we also had some fans there too:

Chica, Juju & Robin n' Stealin'

My absolute favorite! KOACH KAPONE! hell yeah.

It's been a dream for a long time with the league that the city supports us, and I see it happening now, thanks to some really great hard working people on our board staff and directors and some notable influential Memphians, such as the Turley family & Al Kapone attending our games, functions and supporting the new league.
It's taken 3 years almost. That's actually, not so bad for a bunch of girls at Skateland Raleigh when we started :) Proud of us.