Saturday, December 31, 2011

Memphis JUNIOR Roller Derby ~ A long time coming

A junior roller derby league in Memphis?  Yes, correct!  This is a project that many derby girls in Memphis, and many future derby girls are looking forward to.  A few months ago, I was given the go ahead to begin researching the best way to bring a junior derby league to Memphis.  At the time, the greatest challenge the junior league faced was a stipulation that there is no available funding...however, there is rental space available on Wednesday nights to the junior league if we can recruit enough people!  This is exciting news...

After researching the standard for the majority of other junior leagues around the United States, it seems the junior leagues are separate non-profits who work in collaboration with their parent leagues, therefore, financial problems solved!

The opportunity to be a separate non-profit affords the junior league the possibility of not only applying dues to venue space via rental through their parent league (my league Memphis Roller Derby), it also provides the opportunity to raise funds for their uniforms, equipment, and an provide low-income children to participate through a sliding scale dues program.  The possibilities are endless to involve local community centers, skate shops, and perhaps the new KROC recreation center which is under construction right now.

Here is a link to the Memphis Junior Roller Derby Facebook page, please "like" it and share if you know someone who may be interested in volunteering their time or a child who may be interested in skating

Here is a link to our Twitter page:!/MJrRollerDerby

Please follow, like, tweet, retweet!

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Banked Track Action Live on JustinTV, Tonight (11.18) & Saturday (11.19)

Some great derby action LIVE on JustinTV~ just click on the link and tune in.  Next up is Los Angeles Derby Dolls versus Chicago's Windy City Rollers.

Roller Derby LIVE Feed Pin It

Thursday, November 3, 2011


There is little time to blog regularly, however, I will try to more often now that I am on leave for eight weeks.  In this post;
  • PrissKillas go to the Championships!
  • PrissKillas vs River Valley Roller Girls - 10/22
  • PrissKillas get two newbies
  • Race for Grace
  • Tobey Skate Park Opening
  • Ho!Ho!Ho! Burlesque Show
  • St. Jude Marathon
September 10, 2011:

The PrissKillas first time for a shot at the championships.  The PrissKillas lost this game, 74/224.  The game was fun, despite the new strategies used by the Women of Mass Destruction, the PrissKillas managed to eek out 74 points ;).  Here is the program roster from that game, however, I was not included in the program, which makes me kind of sad, given I am an original founder of the league, and the PrissKillas.  Despite the glaring mistake...I forgive the powers that was exciting to go to the championships.

PrissKilla Game Roster actually include:

Courtney Ratts - Captain
Olga Von Detta - Co-Captain
Smackie Chan
Blown Fuse
Anne Tag a Knee
Midnight Choker
Lucifer's Nightmare
Heavy Duty
Susan 4 a Bruisin
Dirty Constance
Hitsy Bitsy

October 22, 2011:

The PrissKillas traveled to Ft. Smith, Arkansas to bout the River Valley Roller Girls.  It was a fun trip, and although we lost, we had a great time.  Here are a few pictures:

Hitsy Bitsy, Gimmemo, Lyndalicious

Nancy Dockery, Hood Ratt, Anne Tag a Knee

Cleveland and Gimmemo
The final score was 154/79 or something in that range!

The PKP roster:
Courtney Ratts - Captain
Olga Von Detta - Co-Captain
Chica Bandita
La Sucia
Dirty Constance
Anne Tag a Knee
Heavy Duty
Midnight Choker
Honey Badger - Newbie
Cy D. Fect - Newbie
Hitsy Bitsy

Here is the program, but it seems the skater roster isn't accurate, but that's derby for you.

On to our Newbies!  PrissKillas welcome Cy. D. Fect and Honey Badger, both girls played an extraordinary game for their first time out.  It was amazing to watch their transformation from the beginning of the game to the end of the game.  Amazing.

November 5, 2011:

Memphis Roller Derby participated in a fundraiser Race for Grace for the Church Health Center of Memphis.  The race organizers permitted the derby girls to skate the race, and there was a phenomenal turn out which raised a lot of money for the Church Health Center.

From L to R (top row) Joy D'Vicious, *cannot be named*, Missy, Dirty Constance, Hitsy Bitsy, La Sucia, Terra Torture
From L to R (bottom row) Franny Pack, Pain Dilla, Cy D. Fect, Midtown Mauhler, Lil' Cinner, Honey Badger, Wolf Blitzer, Brains n' Booty
although I look hideously overweight, you can find race photos here.

November 9, 2011:

Official opening of Tobey Skate Park ~ Memphis' first skate park with nearly five years of work by local Dr. and skater, Dr. Aaron Shafer.  The skate park was designed by Wormhoudt, and is a complete success. 

Those are a lot of happy skaters.  I am the girl in black with arms raised in a V. ;)  V = Victory for Memphis progressing.

Moving on...

Upcoming events:  Ho!Ho!Ho! Burlesque show

The burlesque show is an annual even for Memphis Roller Derby and is held at the Hi-Tone.  In previous years it features skaters burlesque routines, although somewhat more tame than than general burlesque shows ;).  

December 3, 2011:

Last, but not least, Memphis Roller Derby is participating in the St. Jude Marathon, both as runners and the league has a spirit station located near Black Lodge Video in Midtown.  If you are a runner and would like to participate for a good cause, please visit St. Jude Marathon website for details.

I think I covered everything...

Support your local roller derby!  Skate or die.
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Race for Grace ~ Memphis Roller Derby supports the Church Health Center of Memphis

This Saturday, Memphis Roller Derby is Racing for Grace in support of a local organization that provides affordable health care to those who are without.  The Church Health Center is a non-profit organization that has a walk-in clinic everyday, and charges only $35 per visit, regardless of treatment required.  They also have an orientation in which one may attend, and become a part of the health centers regular program that provides both medical and dental at a sliding scale rate.  For those in our community that cannot afford major health care, this organization is a blessing.  If you would like to join the Race for Grace you can register here.

WREG, a long-time supporter of Memphis Roller Derby took the time to help promote this event, please join this great cause.

Enjoy the video!
Race for Grace Skaters! via WREG Live at 9 Pin It

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Atom Protective Gear

I am really excited about these!  Actually, waiting desperately for these pads to emerge.  I have tried so many skate pads, most of which are extremely bulky, slip, not geared for roller derby at all.  They are somewhat pricey, but it may be they use Kevlar.  Regardless, I will be purchasing and reviewing these asap!  Thank you Atomatrix for designing a pad made for women playing this sport...and although, I am an advocate of a good jam is when you don't fall down, I am curious how these pads stand up to a brutal beating of knock downs.  Time will tell!  If you are interested in purchasing them, they are sold through local retailers, although, the last time I tried, the Atom website did not have a purchase key.  For those who live in Memphis, try
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WFTDA Live regional and national tournaments

The Woman's Flat Track Derby Association now has the capability to broadcast live derby via your PC or smart phone!! Very exciting for the derby world. If you want to watch the final day of the South Central Regionals catch it live on

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Double-Header! Tomorrow, August 20, 2011

Memphis Roller Derby presents:

Double-Header August 20th, 2011

Angels of Death vs. Scenic City (Chattanooga)
Women of Mass Destruction vs. Tulsa Derby Brigade
Doors Open at 5, First Bout Starts at 6
Adults $10, Kids 5-12 $5, Kids 4 & under free
Beer, Concessions and MRD merch available for purchase.

After the game, continue the fun at Rock for Love a fundraising benefit for the Church Health Center.  The Church Health Center provides low-cost medical care for people without health insurance and is the primary care provider for local musicians in Memphis.  Here is a link: Rock for Love.

Click picture for a larger image:

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

PrissKillas take the lead ~ 125 PKP / AOD 39

On July 16th, the PrissKilla Prezleys faced off against the Angels of Death, home teams (aka inter league) teams of Memphis Roller Derby. 

The PrissKillas brought it together rotating recent players, recovering from injuries, Lyn-da-licious, with newbies (well kinda a newbie) Dirty Constance (me) and Hitsy Bitsy, and travel team players (who played a game just one hour before this game) inter-changing line-ups to give everyone ample track time and gain experience. 

Experience is exactly the result.  The Angels of Death and the PrissKilla Prezleys played hard.  Several new skaters drafted to the Women of Mass Destruction, picked up the game with the Angels, which added a dynamic to the game.  The Angels of Death named PKP Hitsy Bitsy (aka Emily Evans)

 the MVP for the PrissKillas, and the PrissKillas named Stephanie Kurtz as MVP for the Angels.

The result of this game propels the PrissKilla Prezleys into the September inter-league championship bout.  This is the first time from the creation of Memphis Roller Derby in 2006, that the PrissKilla Prezleys have a chance to take home the championship trophy.  Wish them (us) luck.  The Women of Mass Destruction are a tour DE force, and regardless of the championship outcome...we (all the girls of MRD) will have a great time! Pin It

Scabs Knee Pads & Elbow Pad Review

I recently purchased a combination set (elbow & knee pads) of thin profile Scabs pads

My reasoning behind the purchase is because after skating for years in either Pro-tech or Triple-8's, which I find very bulky, I decided to try something new.  My main goal was to slim and thin down, because I do not get knocked down as much as being a newbie, which to me is a good thing. 

However, my goal of "trying something new," somewhat back-fired on me.  The Scabs Elbow Pads are very bulky and somewhat uncomfortable.  Although they provide ample protection, they are large and I believe predominately made for extreme high ramp skateboarding.

The knee pads are thin in width, and the padding is amazing...very protective.  However, not if you are wearing nylons or tights of any type.  I understand now why they call them Scabs.  We played a game last weekend, and although I managed to remain upright for a majority of the game, the few time I landed on my knees was somewhat catastrophic in terms of pad protection.  I think this is because I decided to wear nylons that day, a change from my normal routine.  Fatal decision wearing these pads and a scab is exactly what I received.

I'll give three stars to the Scabs knee pads for padding and strong Velcro that does not require duct tape to secure...but they receive a minus two stars for internal slippage while wearing nylons/tights that results in the loss of skin...for no good reason and a knee pads intention is to prevent injury, not cause it.  This injury should be one of outdoor skating, skin meeting concrete, but it is not.

In my experience with Pro-tech's and Triple-8's, this has never been an issue regardless what type of leg tights, nylons, or fishnets I have worn.

I do love my Scabs pads, but not the scab on my knee.  Live and learn. 

Recommendations if you own these pads:  Do not wear nylons that extend over the knee or wrap your knees before you put on nylons.

I am going to sell the elbow pads and have fallen in love with TSG brand, that easily slip on and off and are padded sufficiently.

TSG are reasonably priced and protect, without the bulk. Pin It

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Magnolia Roller Vixens take the lead in the last jam - Final Score: 103 Magnolia / 99 Prisskillas

Similar to many sports, sometimes the lead change happens in the last minute or so of a game.  The Vixens played hard, on a 4 game winning streak, the game against the Prisskillas, would end that streak if they lost.  They won, and continue on a 5 game winning streak and this is a huge accomplishment for this team.  As stated in a previous post, the Magnolia Roller Vixens have supported Memphis Roller Derby from the beginning, and I am proud to say I learned Saturday night, that as a mentor league, one can only wish the best for the apprentice league, and sometimes although a loss is a loss, I would much rather lose a game in the last minute of the game to such an awesome team as Magnolia, than to lose like that to a stranger.  Congratulations Magnolia Roller Vixens, you earned it!  Here are some pics from the game, courtesy of Rhett Amick,

You can also find more photos on our PrissKilla Prezley's facebook page and Magnolia Roller Vixens Facebook page.  If you're so inclined, please fan our PrissKilla fan page on Facebook! :) Derby Love.

Dirty C Pin It

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I was an Angel of Death, and it was fun!

On June 18, I picked up a game with the Angels of Death (AOD) and it was a lot of fun and a great learning experience.  It was the first game skating since skating with the Beach Brawl Sk8tr Dolls (BBSD) in August of 2009.  The bout was called "Schools out for Summer." We lost this one, however, I am certain every team member both borrowed, new, or veteran, skated away learning new strategies.  We skated against the Women of Mass Destruction, which is currently Memphis Roller Derby's (MRD) inter-league season champion.  The AOD held that title the first three or four years of MRD, however, teams change and they are currently short a full roster and borrowed a few PrissKilla Prezley's (PKP) to fill the void. 

This Saturday, in Jackson, Mississippi will be my second game back on the flat-track, and I am very excited about it!  The bout is called R2 BEATU, a play on R2 D2, and because the PrissKillas are fem-bots from outerspace, I think this will be a very fun bout!  The bout is hosted by WFTDA's apprentice league, the Magnolia Roller Vixens, founded by former Captial City Rollergirl, Rowdy Reeta Richochet. 

Magnolia Roller Vixens have supported MRD from the beginning, and it is so exciting to see their progress through the ranks of WFTDA.

Roller derby is a transient sport, and I am thankful for that.  It is refreshing to know that if I need to move to a different city, there will be a roller derby league there.  Rowdy Reeta and I skated as teammates together with BBSD, me as a BBSD and Reeta as a pick-up was a lot of fun, and I know I won't enjoy skating against her this weekend, but this is the sport of roller derby.  Play tough on the track, then play hard at the after party!

If you are interested in taking a trek to Jackson - you can purchase tickets here:  Magnolia Roller Vixens and on Facebook @ R2 BeatU

On July 16th, 2011, the PrissKillas bout again, this time against the Angels of Death.  This should be an exciting game too!  Support your local roller derby!  Tickets available on-line at: Memphis Roller Derby

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Monday, May 16, 2011

This is Memphis - Photo project by Michael Cardwell

Michael Cardwell is a local photographer who aims to give a personal face to the city of Memphis through a series of upper body, black and white photographs.  The project is called This is Memphis, and features people from all walks of life who work in organizations and individually beautifying, creating social programs, promoting sports and health, education, music, art, and recycling.  Michael Cardwell should be included in his own series because his photos are emotional and heartfelt.  I wanted to be a part of this project because Memphis is a city I feel is very misunderstood.  Please visit the website and scroll through.  The photos are amazing.  Here are some of the Roller Derby girls photographed.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Tips for Newbies - Flat-Track Roller Derby and Outdoor Recreational Skating

In response to reading a newbie tips and tricks for new skaters to the sport of roller derby, needless to say, I was very disappointed. The blogs lack of substantial information for a skater entering the sport was somewhat appaling and the language is offensive. The uninformative blog inspired me to compile an informative and educational list of real tips and tricks for newbies as opposed to the "shut-up and skate, you're not here for fun," attitude of some leagues. Non-professional leagues that are not paid as professionals must understand that someone joining a pay-to-play sport is doing it because they want to have fun, meet new people, excercise, and hopefully inspire others to a healthy active lifestyle.
I created a PDF file, so here I will screenshot and post as JPG's.

New Derby Girl Checklist

Embarking on the journey of playing roller derby?  This a practical guide to reduce the confusion and fear and provide a little insight from veteran skaters.  Ultimately, how you mix and match the ingredients will come to you in time, when you find the combination you feel most comfortable with.
Be prepared for anything.  If a first aid kit is not available at practices through your league, make sure you stock your skate bag with items that may come in handy in case you are injured during practice.  It is better to be prepared than to find yourself with a muscle strain or a cut and there is no medical aid nearby.

§ Skates - Helmet
§ Skate Tool
§ Knee Pads
§ Elbow Pads
§ Wrist Guard
§ Mouth Guard (get a carrying case)
§ Skate Bag or Rolling Suitcase
§ Duct Tape

Non-Essentials: (Useful Items to Carry in Your Skate Bag)
§  Ibuprophen (reduces swelling)
§  Tiger Balm or Icy Hot (something for your muscles)
§  Ace Bandage
§  Kwik Lube
§  Mole-skin (for blisters)
§  A few extra bearings
§  Band-aids
§  Lip Balm
§  Ankle Wrap
§  Anti-bacterial Hand Gel
§  An extra shirt
§  Medical Tape
§  Survival Ice Packs
§  Bottle of vitamin B complex
§  Blister Pads or Gel
§  Toe Nail Clippers
§  Scissors
§  Shin Guards (not for everyone, but they protect against skate wheels, rope track burn, and sliding injuries)

Derby Definitions
·         Quad Skates - Four wheels in a square pattern.
·         Mouth Guard - Protects teeth from damage.
·         Knee Pads - Protects Knees
·         Elbow Pads - Protects Elbows
·         Wrist Guards - Prevents wrist injuries
·         Bearings - Are located in the center of the wheel and are the buffer between the hub and the axles.
·         Trucks - Are located in the front and rear of the skates attached by a nut.  Loosening and tightening trucks is important to fit your needs.  If trucks are too loose, you may not have proper ankle support and slide.  Trucks that are too tight can cause the same affect.  It's important to check them periodically and adjust.
·         Cushions - Cushions are located above the trucks.  They provide shock resistance and wear down over time (see anatomy of a skate).  As cushions wear down, it's important to tighten the trucks for a snug fit.
·         Durometer - Hardness of the polyurethane of a wheel.
·         Polyurethane - Plastic rolling surface of the wheel.
·         Hub - The hard nylon or aluminum middle of the wheel the polyurethane is attached to.
Common type of STOPS:
·         Toe stops - Executing a 180 degree turn and stopping, using the toe stops.
·         Hockey stops - Depending on which foot you find most comfortable, an abrupt stop utilizing mostly one leg/foot, hard cut to come to a complete stop.
·         Plow stops - An effective stop with a wide stance.  Also known as "snow plows," is opening both legs and putting pressure on the front wheels and front right or left side whichever is more comfortable for you.
 ·         Power slide - Another abrupt stop that uses side skating and an abrupt turn in the opposite direction.

Anatomy of a Quad Roller Skate
Although the toe stops are different and this is not a speed skate boot, many of the components are similar..

Anatomy of a Quad Roller Skate
by Dave VanBelleghem
 This article by Dave vanBelleghem includes an exploded diagram of a quad roller skate with each of its parts labeled.

For those of you that don't know a pivot pin from a speed cone, here's the biggest parts diagram I could find for you. The parts are numbered and correspond to the list beneath the diagram. This is a double action plate quad skate. 1 cushion above and 1 below the truck.
  1.    Plate (made of aluminum or plastic like material)
2.    Kingpin (or Kingbolt)
3.    Cushion Retainer (made from aluminum)
4.    Cushion (made of rubber)
5.    Truck
A.    Pivot Pin
B.    Axle
6.    Action Nut
7.    Pivot Cup (made of rubber)
A.    Pivot Cup Hole
8.    Toe Stop (non adjustable bell type)
9.    Toe Stop Bolt
10. Speed Cone (Washer)
11. Bearing
12. Spacer
13. Wheel
14. Axle Nut
15. Heel Brake
A.    U-Bolt
B.    U-Bolt Mounting Washers and Nuts
16. Toe Stop Mounting Block
17. Boot
18. Laces
19. Plate Mounting Bolts and Nuts
PO Box 12320, Venice Beach, California 90295 USA
Thank You Dave!


·         All pads are not created equal, however, in general finding  pads that fit is important.
·         Poor fitting pads can cause serious injury (slipping), circulatory problems, numb feet, shin splints and pain in the lower and upper extremities.
·         New skaters usually purchase set of pads from Target or Wal-Mart.  Although the sets offered are inexpensive, they rarely provide the proper protection for full-contact sports.
·         Invest in a reasonably priced set of knee and elbow pads to protect your knees and elbows.  I prefer Pro-Tech wrist guards because they have a light mesh material and after removing the top nylon wrist shaper, they are very comfortable.
Here are a few links to skate pad manufacturers that are well established and provide proper protection for the sport. There are more manufacturers of pads so research to the type that suits you.
Triple 8's:
Pro-Designed: High-end custom pads
Atom (owned by Atomatrix)

Anatomy of a Wheel
Finding the right set of wheels can be difficult for new skaters, without the proper knowledge of wheel terminology.

Wheel Terminology:
Duromete(aka Hardness)r:  This refers to the how hard the wheels are ;0).  Similar to buying clothing, different manufacturers try to create a uniform system of sizing, however; not all wheels will meet the criteria and the color of the wheel in some cases determines the hardness.  In general, the higher the durometer number, the harder the wheel.

 Hardness ranges from 60-100 and are good for varying skate surfaces.
The description of a wheel translates to (62mm x 43 mm) = H x W.

Outdor (Recommended)
Kyptonics (Route) Wheels are excellent for all terrain outdoor skating.
They are tall wheels, verysoft and easy to skate any outdoor surface with ease.  They are available in:  Route 70's (70 mm high), Route 65's (65 mm high), Route 62's (62 mm high)  They have a softness of 78a and color does not determine hardness of these wheels.

P"Pusher" Positions

You may hear the term "pusher wheels" mentioned in derby and ask yourself "what does that mean?"

Pusher wheel set-up: Is the mixing of two different wheel hardness to theoretically achieve speed with grip for less slide out on the corners. 

Using a pusher set-up is skater preference. There are arguments for and against using a pusher set-up, so if you decide you want to try it, here are a few different styles of pusher set-ups.

H = Harder Wheel
S = Softer Wheel
*Be certain to use the same width and height when using two sets for pusher set-ups.
Wheel positions usually refer to a Z pattern:

      Bearings are important for speed.
      The higher the ABEC- rating, supposedly, the faster and smoother the roll of the bearing. Some skaters dispute this, and honestly, I question it as well. I have tested all levels of bearings as well as red swiss and so far what I've noticed is that ABEC-5 and above roll smoothest as long as they are maintained. Also available at a higher cost are ceramic bearings. Ceramic bearings do not rust and are virtually indestructible, at a cost.

ABEC - 1, ABEC - 3, ABEC - 5, ABEC - 7, ABEC - 9, Swiss or Ceramics

Cleaning & Lubing Bearings
It's good to clean your bearings every few months or before each game, whichever one prefers. Be certain to prevent damaging the bearings while removing and make sure they are snug when placed back in the wheel after cleaning.

Some people prefer not to use alcohol to clean their bearings, but I have not had any trouble cleaning them this way.  Water is a no-no.

If anyone cares to comment with suggestions or links for more information for future derby girls, all comments and links are welcome.
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