If I didn't mention it, the past few months have been tough. At some point in September, I injured my left foot. Despite an x-ray, the doctor cannot seem to figure out what is wrong with it. I took seven weeks off and wore a boot, but it still gives me pain. We start back to practice next week, and if I skate and it doesn't give me pain, I will continue, if it gives me pain again, I may consider retiring from skating, yet continue to work in a volunteer capacity as a non-skating official, referee, and continue to work on getting the junior league up and running.
Wish me luck and as always, thank you for reading.
i'm sorry your foot's still giving you pain, but i'm impressed you already have a back-up plan for if you have to hold off skating for a while. a junior league sounds like something my daughter would've loved!
Thanks :). My hope is I can continue to skate, because it my passion, however, I must be realistic. I am very excited about starting the junior league. How old is your daughter?
she's in her mid-20's and her work schedule doesn't allow for regular activities like sports now, but i can picture her in the junior league when she was younger.
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