Friday, June 22, 2012

Memphis Junior Roller Derby is growing!

Hi Everyone!

I am very happy to tell you that the junior league is growing.  The girls created their own team name, colors, and one of the skaters made a drawing for a logo!  I digitized it, and now we are rolling!

More good news.  Our parent league and the PR firm Obsidian have booked us a radio interview on July 3!

Check out our fundraiser, and please contribute if you can!

Indiegogo - Memphis Junior Roller Derby - Start up

Happy skating!  and... never give up. Pin It

Monday, May 14, 2012

Fundraiser for Memphis Junior Roller Derby :)

Hi everyone!

We have started a fundraising campaign to help the junior girls get up and rolling!  Please take a moment to visit our fundraising page, and if you can make a contribution, that would be amazing!  Thanks!

Indiegogo - Memphis Junior Roller Derby

We have also updated our website.  MJRD

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Monday, April 9, 2012

PrissKilla Season opener this weekend! Hustlin' Rollers take on St. Louis

Although I will not be skating this season :(, my team has its season opener this weekend at the fairgrounds.  Check out Memphis Roller for details :).  Once again another really cool poster!
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Saturday, January 7, 2012


<3 <3 <3 Pin It

ShadowCon & Memphis Roller Derby

If you are in the area...and love games, come visit our booth at ShadowCon tomorrow!

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Season 6, Memphis Roller Derby! Here we go!

It's bout time again!  January is also a recruitment month for fresh meat skaters, refs, volunteers, and NSO's.  Check out the season schedule and information regarding recruitment at Memphis Roller  I am working the first bout, and may be skating the bout on the 28th depending on how my foot is holding up. 

If I didn't mention it, the past few months have been tough.  At some point in September, I injured my left foot.  Despite an x-ray, the doctor cannot seem to figure out what is wrong with it.  I took seven weeks off and wore a boot, but it still gives me pain.  We start back to practice next week, and if I skate and it doesn't give me pain, I will continue, if it gives me pain again, I may consider retiring from skating, yet continue to work in a volunteer capacity as a non-skating official, referee, and continue to work on getting the junior league up and running.  

Wish me luck and as always, thank you for reading.
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